Wednesday 29th of January 2025 02:52:14 AM

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    When is it safe to have sex after a miscarriage?  
After a miscarriage, there is a possibility that you may bleed for a few weeks. The bleeding should not be heavier than a normal period. Contact your GP if the bleeding becomes heavier or you notice smelly or discoloured discharge.

You can have sexual intercourse again as soon as you feel ready but it's best to wait until you have finished bleeding to reduce the risk of infection. It's also best to wait until you've had your first period.

If you've lost your baby during pregnancy or birth, having sex again can involve a number of conflicting emotions. It's very common to experience difficulties in your sexual relationship following the loss of a baby. You may need time to regain trust in your body or you may need the emotional closeness that sex brings. Remember to talk with your partner about how you are both feeling, be patient and understanding with each other and seek bereavement support if appropriate for you.

You and/or your partner may be concerned about the possibility of another pregnancy resulting in miscarriage. If you wish to wait a while before trying to get pregnant, make sure that you visit your GP or local family planning clinic to decide what method of contraception is suitable for you.